Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version 2.0 (CFER-H V2.0) constitutes a major release of the AHRQ Common Formats and reflects these key changes:
Core and supplemental data elements designate two types of data sets. All data elements contained in the core data sets are required for event reporting at the local level by providers to PSOs and the PSOPPC for national aggregation and analysis. Those data elements contained in the supplemental data sets may be collected at the local level for additional analysis, and may be reported to PSOs, but will not be accepted by the PSOPPC for national aggregation and analysis at this time.
Specific changes in CFER-H V2.0 compared with Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version 1.2 (CFER-H V1.2) are:
Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version 2.0a (CFER-H V2.0a) was a minor technical update which:
See the Technical Release Notes below for a complete review of changes.
The Technical Release Notes contain descriptions of changes that were made to the CFER-H V2.0. Changes include specificity on questions, answers, definitions, and summarizes changes to the Implementation Guide, Resources Workbook, and Flow Charts. The Data Element Conversion Mapping Guide for CFER-H V2.0 can be used to filter and view specific changes to Data Elements and to Answers from Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version 1.1 (CFER-H V1.1) or from CFER-H V1.2.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Technical_Release_Notes Posted on: 04/20/2020, 344 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Data_Element_Conversion_Mapping_Guide Posted on: 03/22/2022, 196 KB
A users' guide and event descriptions for the Generic and event-specific categories are available for this version of Common Formats.
The Users' Guide is a comprehensive overview of the Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version (CFER-H V) development and implementation, and can be used to understand the AHRQ Common Formats framework.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Users_Guide Posted on: 11/18/2022, 1,876 KB
The following event descriptions contain core data elements required for event reporting at the local level, by providers, to PSOs and the PSOPPC for national aggregation and analysis.
Generic Event DescriptionThe Generic Module sets out the common information to be collected for all patient safety concerns, regardless of the event type or unsafe condition. This category maps out the type of patient safety concern, the circumstances of the event or unsafe condition, patient information (if applicable), and reporter information.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Generic_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 73 KB
Event-Specific DescriptionsAn Anesthesia event is associated with the administration of anesthesia or sedation. Patient safety events for the Anesthesia category include incidents and near misses. They also pertain to both inpatient and outpatient procedures occurring in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Anesthesia_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 101 KB
Blood or Blood ProductA Blood or Blood Product event or unsafe condition involves the processing and/or administration of blood or a blood product. Patient safety concerns for this category include incidents, near-misses, and unsafe conditions that occur in a hospital and do not require that a patient outcome be identified.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Blood_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 38 KB
Device or Medical/Surgical SupplyA Device or Medical/Surgical Supply event or unsafe condition involves a defect, failure, or incorrect use of a device. Patient safety concerns for this category include incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions, and do not require that a patient outcome be identified.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Device_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 37 KB
FallA Fall event is a sudden, unintended, descent of a patient's body to the ground or other object (e.g., onto a bed, chair, or bedside mat) that can be assisted or unassisted. Patient safety concerns for the Fall category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Fall_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 40 KB
Medication or Other SubstanceA Medication or Other Substance event involves the processing and/or administration of medications, biological products, nutritional substances, medical gases, contrast media, or radiopharmaceuticals. Patient safety concerns for this category include incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions and do not require a patient outcome be identified. This category pertains to both inpatient and outpatient pharmacies located within the hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Medication_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 40 KB
PerinatalA Perinatal event involves an adverse outcome occurring to the mother, fetus(es), or neonate(s) associated with either the birthing process (labor, birth, or postpartum) or an intrauterine procedure. Perinatal events include those that occur from the 20th week of gestation through 4 weeks (28 days) postpartum (up to 42 days for maternal events). Patient safety concerns for this category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Perinatal_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 38 KB
Pressure InjuryA Pressure Injury event involves a pressure injury of Stage 2 or higher (i.e., Stage 2, 3, 4, Unstageable, or deep tissue pressure injury; mucosal membrane pressure injury; or secondary morbidity attributed to the presence of a pressure injury) that develops in the hospital (i.e., was not present on admission) or worsens from a Stage 1 or Stage 2 pressure injury that was present on admission to the hospital. Patient safety concerns for this category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Pressure_Injury_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 39 KB
SurgeryA Surgical event is associated with an operating room or other invasive procedure (e.g., colonoscopy, bone marrow biopsy). Patient safety concerns for this event include incidents and near misses. They also pertain to both inpatient and outpatient procedures occurring in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Surgery_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 45 KB
Venous ThromboembolismA Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) event comprises an objectively confirmed symptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE). Patient safety concerns for the VTE category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_VTE_Event_Description_Core Posted on: 04/20/2020, 44 KB
The technical specifications include the Implementation Guide, Resources Workbook, Data Dictionary, Data Submission Error Messages, Flow Charts, and CDA XML Samples that provide direction on how to implement and submit CFER-H V2.0 data.
The Implementation Guide provides specifications for the required CDA XML file format to transmit Common Formats Patient Safety Report data.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Implementation_Guide Posted on: 04/20/2020, 651 KB
Resources WorkbookThe Resources Workbook provides a complete mapping of OIDs, templates, data elements, answer values, and validation rules used in the creation of the CDA XML file.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Resources_Workbook Posted on: 01/01/2022, 75 KB
Data DictionaryThe Data Dictionary provides information on each data element (e.g., name, definition, format, values, etc.).
CFER-H_V2.0a_Data_Dictionary Posted on: 04/20/2020, 992 KB
Data Submission Error MessagesThe Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version 2.0 (CFER-H V2.0) Data Submission Error Message document contains all possible error messages for CFER-H V2.0 patient safety data submissions. This document provides the validation rules for each error message to assist in the revision of the CDA XML file.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Data_Submission_Error_Messages Posted on: 04/20/2020, 36 KB
The following flow charts illustrate the valid paths for complete patient safety reports for all patient safety concerns. Each flow chart provides the required data elements and associated answer values.
Generic Flow ChartsThe following section contains the Common Formats Flow Charts for incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Incident_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 212 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Near_Miss_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 79 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Unsafe_Condition_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 76 KB
Event Flow ChartsThe following section contains the Common Formats Flow Charts for Event-Specific Modules.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Anesthesia_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 69 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Blood_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 70 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Device_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 74 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Fall_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 67 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Medication_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 91 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Perinatal_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 80 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Pressure_Injury_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 80 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Surgery_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 90 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_VTE_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 70 KB
The CDA XML files sample documents provide samples and associated CDA XML file output for all patient safety concerns. The file samples contain all recommended data elements for patient safety data reports and conform to Common Formats for Event Reporting - Hospital Version 2.0 (CFER-H V2.0).
CFER-H_V2.0a_Anesthesia_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 284 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Blood_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 273 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Device_Incident_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 296 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Device_Unsafe_Condition_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 267 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Fall_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 277 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Perinatal_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 283 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Pressure_Injury_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 284 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_Surgery_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 277 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_VTE_CDA_XML_File_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 129 KB
CFER-H_V2.0a_CDA_XML_File_Samples Posted on: 08/03/2018, 27 KB
The following event descriptions include the supplemental data elements that may be collected at the local level for additional analysis, and may be reported to PSOs but will NOT be accepted by the PSOPPC for national aggregation and analysis.
Generic Event DescriptionThe Generic Module sets out the common information to be collected for all patient safety concerns, regardless of the event type or unsafe condition. This category maps out the type of patient safety concern, the circumstances of the event or unsafe condition, patient information (if applicable), and reporter information.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Generic_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 76 KB
Event-Specific DescriptionsAn Anesthesia event is associated with the administration of anesthesia or sedation. Patient safety events for the Anesthesia category include incidents and near misses. They also pertain to both inpatient and outpatient procedures occurring in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Anesthesia_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 46 KB
Blood or Blood ProductA Blood or Blood Product event or unsafe condition involves the processing and/or administration of blood or a blood product. Patient safety concerns for this category include incidents, near-misses, and unsafe conditions that occur in a hospital and do not require that a patient outcome be identified.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Blood_or_Blood_Product_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 46 KB
Device or Medical/Surgical SupplyA Device or Medical/Surgical Supply event or unsafe condition involves a defect, failure, or incorrect use of a device. Patient safety concerns for this category include incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions, and do not require that a patient outcome be identified.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Device_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 46 KB
FallA Fall event is a sudden, unintended, descent of a patient's body to the ground or other object (e.g., onto a bed, chair, or bedside mat) that can be assisted or unassisted. Patient safety concerns for the Fall category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Fall_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 53 KB
Medication or Other SubstanceA Medication or Other Substance event involves the processing and/or administration of medications, biological products, nutritional substances, medical gases, contrast media, or radiopharmaceuticals. Patient safety concerns for this category include incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions and do not require a patient outcome be identified. This category pertains to both inpatient and outpatient pharmacies, located within the hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Medication_or_Other_Substance_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 53 KB
PerinatalA Perinatal event involves an adverse outcome occurring to the mother, fetus(es), or neonate(s) associated with either the birthing process (labor, birth, or postpartum) or an intrauterine procedure. Perinatal events include those that occur from the 20th week of gestation through 4 weeks (28 days) postpartum (up to 42 days for maternal events). Patient safety concerns for this category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Perinatal_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 49 KB
Pressure InjuryA Pressure Injury event involves a pressure injury of Stage 2 or higher(i.e., Stage 2, 3, 4, Unstageable, or deep tissue pressure injury; mucosal membrane pressure injury; or secondary morbidity attributed to the presence of a pressure injury) that develops in the hospital (i.e., was not present on admission) or worsens from a Stage 1 or Stage 2 pressure injury that was present on admission to the hospital. Patient safety concerns for this category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Pressure_Injury_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 54 KB
SurgeryA Surgical event is associated with an operating room or other invasive procedure (e.g., colonoscopy, bone marrow biopsy). Patient safety concerns for this event include incidents and near misses. They also pertain to both inpatient and outpatient procedures occurring in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_Surgery_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 45 KB
Venous ThromboembolismA Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) event comprises an objectively confirmed symptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE). Patient safety concerns for the VTE category include only incidents that occur in a hospital.
CFER-H_V2.0a_VTE_Event_Description_Supplemental Posted on: 04/20/2020, 48 KB