Common Formats for Event Reporting - Community Pharmacy Version 1.0 (CFER-CP V1.0) is one module in a series of Common Formats released by AHRQ. The module is primarily designed for use in the community pharmacy environment to gain enhanced understanding about the circumstances surrounding patient safety concerns in that setting. The framework applies a structured approach to the analysis of all community pharmacy events.
One event description and a glossary of terms are available for CFER-CP V1.0.
A Community Pharmacy event involves drugs, biological products, nutritional products, or medical foods.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Event_Description Posted on: 04/20/2020, 85 KB
CFER-CP_V1.0_Glossary Posted on: 04/20/2020, 107 KB
The technical specification documents provide direction for electronic submission for Common Formats Patient Safety Data Reports to the PSOPPC for data non-identification and transmission to the NPSD. The information provided will assist reporting organizations develop, maintain and map their existing reporting system to comply with CFER-CP V1.0.
The Implementation Guide provides specifications for the required CDA XML file format to transmit Common Formats Patient Safety Report data.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Implementation_Guide Posted on: 04/20/2020, 494 KB
The Resources Workbook provides a complete mapping of OIDs, templates, data elements, answer values, and validation rules used in the creation of the CDA XML file.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Resources_Workbook Posted on: 04/20/2020, 190 KB
The Data Dictionary provides information on each data element (e.g., name, definition, format, values, etc.).
CFER-CP_V1.0_Data_Dictionary Posted on: 04/20/2020, 576 KB
The Flow Chart illustrates the valid path for a complete patient safety report from start to finish. Each required data element and associated answer value is provided.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Flow_Chart Posted on: 04/20/2020, 126 KB
The CDA XML file samples provide sample patient safety concerns and associated CDA XML file output for an Incident, Near Miss, and Unsafe Condition. Each sample contains all required data elements for each patient safety report, and conforms to the Community Pharmacy Common Formats.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Incident_CDA_XML_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 232 KB
CFER-CP_V1.0_Near_Miss_CDA_XML_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 205 KB
CFER-CP_V1.0_Unsafe_Condition_CDA_XML_Sample Posted on: 04/20/2020, 193 KB
CFER-CP_V1.0_CDA_XML_File_Samples Posted on: 04/27/2018, 7 KB
The Alternate Data Submission enables the submission of patient safety data in simple XML or DSV formatted files to the PSOPPC. The PSOPPC converts the XML or DSV files into the AHRQ Common Format required CDA XML format.
The Alternate Data Submission Users' Guide provides information on how to implement the Alternate Data Submission process such as file naming conventions, XML and DSV file structure and examples.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Alternate_Data_Submission_Users_Guide Posted on: 11/26/2021, 389 KB
Contact the PSOPPC Help Desk at or at (866) 571-7712 for further Alternate Data Submission technical specifications. The technical specifications include the XML Schema Definition used to describe the file structure and elements for the XML format, as well as the XML and DSV formatted file samples for Incidents, Near Misses, and Unsafe Conditions.
The Common Formats for Event Reporting - Community Pharmacy Version 1.0 (CFER-CP V1.0) Data Submission Error Message document contains all possible error messages for CFER-CP V1.0 patient safety data submissions. This document provides the validation rules for each error message to assist in the revision of the CDA XML file.
CFER-CP_V1.0_Data_Submission_Error_Messages Posted on: 04/20/2020, 106 KB